If you are looking for beautiful, hand sewn and traditionally made curtains then look no further. Our team of highly experienced curtain makers can make any type of curtains from hand sewn pinch pleat (including Cartridge, Goblet, Double and Triple Pinch Pleat), tape headings (such as Pencil Pleat, Cottage Top and Wave) and Eyelet curtains, to specialist curtains such as Italian strung and swags and tails.
We also understand that houses come in all shapes and sizes, sometimes with shaped windows and bays. But don’t worry - with the help of our expert measuring service, we are on hand to help calculate your window dimensions, to ensure a perfect fit on even the trickiest of windows.
Browse through the images below to discover the different curtain styles we can offer.
Double Pinch Pleat.
A more formal style of heading where each fold is hand-sewn into pleats at the base of the header, forming a neat row of V’s. Pinch pleats can use more fabric than pencil pleats and create a fuller, more sumptuous curtain that dresses well into neat folds with little maintenance.
Triple Pinch Pleat.
A traditional heading style that uses more fabric than the double pinch; as it houses sets of three folds in the header, creating a neat row of W’s, giving this style an even fuller aesthetic and feel. This style dresses well into neat folds with little maintenance
A more casual heading style which gathers the fabric at the top and then allows it to tumble freely to the floor, creating a less defined pleat which is ultimately unique to the drape of each fabric. A stand up is created by setting the tape down by your desired distance.
Pencil Pleat.
A classic, more relaxed style where the heading is tightly gathered at the top of the curtain, resembling a line of pencils. From the close pleats of the header the fabric is dressed into gentle folds as the curtain drops to the floor, requiring routine maintenance to ensure the curtains remain well dressed.
A cleaner more modern heading where the fabric falls away from the track or pole in plump folds, which run seamlessly from the heading through the main body of the curtains. This heading style should be dressed below the pole or track for it to hang properly.
A modern curtain heading through which the curtain pole is threaded directly, in place of using a traditional header tape. This dresses easily into its folds when open and requires little maintenance.
A contemporary, minimalist style heading creating fluid waves of fabric, which appear to float below the track. This style requires a specialist pole or track to ensure the curtains dress evenly across the window to create the “wave” effect and dress beautifully with little maintenance.
A more formal, decorative heading which combines a triple pinch pleat with a cartridge heading. Like pinch pleats, the goblet uses more fullness which gives it plenty of body. The goblets are pinched in by hand then carefully eased out, giving a more luxuriously tailored look which requires minimal dressing.
Inverted Pleat.
A smart curtain heading which is similar to cartridge but the pleats are sewn to sit behind the curtain giving a flat appearance at the front. Because the pleat sits to the back of the curtain, it can be useful if space is limited behind the curtain pole. This heading style should be dressed below the pole or track for it to hang properly.